COVID19, an economic shut down and a global pandemic, forced a worldwide quarantine and caused the entire world to feel the impact. In the midst of this, I launched The 2020 Entrepreneur World ( T20E World ) podcast. A podcast dedicated to inspiring, motivating, and guiding Gen Z, Millennials and society with over 30 years of my Life Lessons, Business and Entrepreneurial experiences! There is no better time to ReVIEW, ReTHINK and ReINVENT a new YOU!

Wednesday Jul 29, 2020
007 - Driven by VISION, Lead by MISSION with Joe Nemec!
Wednesday Jul 29, 2020
Wednesday Jul 29, 2020
Another great call in this week with an old friend of mine Joe Nemec!
He mentored me through my career and his words have always stuck with me ever since.
Driven by Vision, but LEAD by Mission
YOU must capture the vision, and develop it into a mission!
Surround yourself around people who will contribute to your SUCCESS.
You must always remember that individual or corporate life have to operate differently, and a character establishes culture for your business.
If you can dream it you can do it!!!

Friday Jul 24, 2020
006 - Defining EGOS with John Ruppert
Friday Jul 24, 2020
Friday Jul 24, 2020
Do you know what it means to have an Ego? In business, in sports, or even in everyday life itself.
Had a great time getting a chance to sit down with a good friend of mine, John Ruppert!
Johnny has been in the game a long time and full of knowledge
Today we learn valuable lessons in understanding the difference between an Ego and being Confident!
“Two TOTALLY different things” - John
Ego is built from an IMAGINATION
It is important to be aware of not only your Ego but also of the person you are speaking to. Ego is key in your career.
Sit back and get out your notebook as Johnny shares with us what having an Ego is all about and how HUGE it is in your everyday life!

Tuesday Jul 21, 2020
005 - Business Experiences and Newest Venture with ROHAN MARLEY
Tuesday Jul 21, 2020
Tuesday Jul 21, 2020
Fun episode catching up with my buddy, Rohan Marley!
Learn some facts about Rohan you might not of known . . .
What is it like growing up a Marley?
Did you know he played Football at the University of Miami?
Rohan shares with us all, his first business venture?
Some advice to our listeners on starting a new business.
Fear and Business.
Marley Coffee!!
Rohan talks about the importance of giving back and shares some of the Foundations he is involved with
Finally, Rohan shares with us all his newest Venture . . . . the first ever RoMarley Beach House!!!
Inaugurations date is set for July 24, 2020 at the luxurios resort Fives Oceanfront Puerto Morales, Mexico!
Click on the links above to learn more about reservation and visiting the RoMarley Beach House!
In closing, Rohan shares some simple and great advice to all our T20E World listeners;
Love it! Until next time, Hugo signing OUT!

Tuesday Jul 14, 2020
Tuesday Jul 14, 2020
Tuesday Jul 14, 2020
OPPORTUNITIES. . . is at all about being at the RIGHT PLACE, at the RIGHT TIME and a maybe LITTLE BIT of LUCK or do we CREATE IT.
We all know how frustrating it gets when we are doing all the right things and we are just not seeing the results we expected.
Even though we are dotting all the “I’s” crossing all the “T’s” following the basic 101’s of doing business. . . you know . . . sometimes no matter how well you follow the rules, it just doesn't work.
Do not get discouraged. This doesn't mean your plan is not working, we as entrepreneurs sometimes EXPECT fast RESULTS and become discouraged if we do not see our plan working quickly.
In this episode I share some TIPS that MIGHT Expose the “GENIUS” in you and possibly get you closer to that OPPORTUNITY of a lifetime or at least get you that meeting or that interview you wanted. In other words WE sometimes also need to CREATE that opportunity.
Here they go!
- Being Accessible - keeping your contact information updated, LinkedIn, Social Groups, etc.
- Networking - attend events, especially nowadays it's easier . . . most are virtual
- Exposure - when the time comes where we can once again attend in person . . target the people or companies you want to deal with. Remember STAY FOCUSED and on your game plan
- Seminars - learn, work the room, and network with the people in your field
- Become knowledgeable in your space, this eventually leads to being the GO TO person - that alone can open new doors you never expected
- HOW do I become the Go To . . . SHARE SOLID CONTENT on your social media page, create a YouTube channel, start a PodCast . . .
- Do not be afraid to introduce yourself
- Do not be afraid to ask questions
- Do not forget to follow up . . . so it is very important to follow up with people, especially after you just met or spoke with them.
Summing it up is, YES . . . sometimes it's all about being at the right place, at the right time and for SURE a little bit of luck always HELPS
BUT we shouldn't be waiting for this to happen. If it does . . . awesome for you! But never forget that we should also be thinking of CREATING the opportunity.
Hopefully, these tips will help you get that interview, that job, that first huge deal!
BELIEVE in yourself, and make it happen!

Wednesday Jul 08, 2020
003 - How Does One Define SUCCESS
Wednesday Jul 08, 2020
Wednesday Jul 08, 2020
There are so many ways to define Success, the accomplishment of an aim or purpose . . . such a simple word with such a HUGE definition.
Why do I want to share this with you? Because this Podcast is dedicated to inspire YOU. The 2020 Entrepreneur World (T20E World) is for you young leaders to be! Young professionals, recent graduates whether HS or College, maybe those starting careers 20’s or 30’s. ANYONE at any age that wants to learn.
If you set and fulfill a goal in your career, that is a part of success BUT understanding that it is one tiny piece of what you will do in your life which eventually will lead to understanding what YOU ARE CAPABLE OF, The Genius in YOU and the GOOD THAT you do and how you INSPIRE others around YOU.
What is your SUCCESS? I want to know! Info@T20EWorld.com !!

Thursday Jul 02, 2020
002 - So You're Thinking of Starting a New Business
Thursday Jul 02, 2020
Thursday Jul 02, 2020
Welcome to a new episode of T20E World Podcast, a time where we all need to ReView, ReThink, and ReInvent ourselves. So you're thinking of starting a new business?!?!?! AWESOME!
Today I cover six vital points you need to answer before launching your new venture! I want you to succeed . . . the first time around!
Have you done your Homework? Do you understand your industry, the competition the total available market and how much of that market can you capture?
Do you have all the Essential Tools you need? Make sure you have the right software that fits your business, some sort of cloud base platform for your unified communication, you need to stay flexible and be able to operate no matter where you are at any given time.
Did you create a Business Plan? Get a solid Short Term plan in place, have a long term business plan on paper and make sure your goals are REAL!
Separate your Emotions from your Business. We know its your baby, we know you love what you do and have the passion to go 24/7! BUT keep in mind you will need to make some tough decisions that will be critical to your business. Be prepared to seperate your emotions from that business in order to make logical decision that make good sense for the future of the business.
Listen to your GUT!
Have GOOD, RELIABLE MENTORS!! We all need a sounding board to bounce your ideas and decisions off of. Have some good trustworthy mentors that can give you feedback, critique and assist in making good decisions. Don't be afraid to reach out to them and use them as a source of information.
Got em answered . . . . now Go GRIND!!!! I want you to share your successes with me!!

Thursday Jul 02, 2020
Thursday Jul 02, 2020
Thursday Jul 02, 2020
Welcome to a new episode of T20E World Podcast, a time where we all need to ReView, ReThink, and ReInvent ourselves. Today I talk about what motivated me to finally get off my ass and launch this new Podcast. COVID19 changed how we all go about doing our daily routines, turned many of our lives upside down and now we must all adjust to the new norm! Step out of your comfort zone and find the NEW You!