COVID19, an economic shut down and a global pandemic, forced a worldwide quarantine and caused the entire world to feel the impact. In the midst of this, I launched The 2020 Entrepreneur World ( T20E World ) podcast. A podcast dedicated to inspiring, motivating, and guiding Gen Z, Millennials and society with over 30 years of my Life Lessons, Business and Entrepreneurial experiences! There is no better time to ReVIEW, ReTHINK and ReINVENT a new YOU!

Wednesday Sep 30, 2020
017 - Pri-or-i-ti-za-tion
Wednesday Sep 30, 2020
Wednesday Sep 30, 2020
On this week's episode I talk to you about PRIORITIZATION
Prioritize the importance and value what you need to get done!
My number one tip for you is to MAKE A LIST on a daily bases. The tasks that are the hardest and need to get done first, are the ones that are on the TOP of your list. Tackle those first and I promise you will feel better, feel a sense of accomplishment and at the end of the day this ALL will equate to PRODUCTIVITY!
BUT remember, balance out your day, make sure you do not overload that calendar AND keep in mind that sometimes we simply just need to learn to say NO to certain tasks. Especially, if you do not bring value to the task at hand, the meeting or video conference call. Time is precious and we need to be smart and keep it real!
Finally, never forget, Prioritization makes you EFFECTIVE, more EFFICIENT which equates to being more PRODUCTIVE!!!
Hope this bit of advise helps and please feel free to share what works best for YOU! Now go ROCK IT!

Thursday Sep 17, 2020
016 - Finding the BALANCE of LIFE
Thursday Sep 17, 2020
Thursday Sep 17, 2020
Life is all about BALANCE, and if you want to be Successful you must find that Balance!
Early on in my career, I was able to figure out how to best balance my work, personal, and family life. Its never easy but you choose what's truly important to you. Family life, children, wife, and YOU are all critical factors in your success in game of Life! Maintaining a healthy Life style at home will enable to do so much better in Business.
Today, I share with everyone some key points as to WHY its so important to find that BALANCE of LIFE early on.
I can assure of of one thing . . . . when you do find that BALANCE of LIFE, you start to feel better mentally, physically, and emotionally! You will notice you start making better decisions, start and end your days on a much more positive note and you begin to improve upon your Time Management skills for yourself. This is also very important! Because YOU are important!!!!
Make your Life a much better reason to start and end your days always in a positive fashion! Like a mentioned before, its never easy but each one of us can definitely find a way that works best for us! Please share your experiences, always love to hear from everyone! Go find your BALANCE in your LIFE!!!
Don't forget to like, follow, and share! Follow on Instagram @t20eworld

Monday Sep 14, 2020
015 - Embracing CHANGE
Monday Sep 14, 2020
Monday Sep 14, 2020
Has there been one or multiple events that were hard to accept and made a change in your life? Think about it, and how did you over come it?
I share with you a deep emotional event that changed my life forever. We all must remember that CHANGE is a part of life and will always be constant as we get older. It will sometimes be very difficult to accept Change but learning how to embrace it, will be so important. It will keep you moving in one direction . . . . and that is FORWARD!
Keep in mind that the world will not stop around us when something happens, it will keep on moving like nothing ever happened. The sooner we can acknowledge and embrace Change, the sooner we can also continue to move on. Not an easy task but it will allow us all to live a more positive life.
Remember that as an Entrepreneur we are met with constant changes and life continues no matter what, we need to LEARN, ACCEPT, and EMBRACE change in order to keep moving forward!

Wednesday Sep 09, 2020
014 - What's Preventing you from Reaching your GOALS with Johnny Ruppert
Wednesday Sep 09, 2020
Wednesday Sep 09, 2020

Tuesday Sep 01, 2020
013 - Should I try SALES?
Tuesday Sep 01, 2020
Tuesday Sep 01, 2020
Have you ever thought to yourself, "should I try going into sales?" The word SALES fears most, “I don’t know how to sell”, “selling scares me,” BUT . . . if you have the ability to talk with people and make them FEEL comfortable around you. If you keep it REAL and believe in the products or services you work with. Give it a shot, you have nothing to lose and so much to gain!
The art of selling is understanding and listening to people, that is the KEY. Sales does more than just put money in your pocket . . . it DEVELOPS you as an individual and as a professional.
Yes, a sales role will come with pressure but the most successful sales professionals are those you not only keep REAL but follow through on things when they say they are going to do so!
I strongly feel that everyone should try out the world of SALES . . . GO FOR IT, you will amaze yourself at what you are capable of doing and conquering!!!

Thursday Aug 27, 2020
012 - Break the FEAR of PUBLIC SPEAKING with these GOLDEN TIPS
Thursday Aug 27, 2020
Thursday Aug 27, 2020

Friday Aug 21, 2020
011 - Student, Athlete, ENTREPRENEUR with Fashion Designer, Shane Kastl
Friday Aug 21, 2020
Friday Aug 21, 2020
A 22 year old entrepreneur making his way to the top, Shane Kastl!!
If you are young and looking to start your own business, then you are listening to the right stuff! Shane shares with us his story of becoming an entrepreneur at a young age. His story of becoming a fashion designer is so unique and inspiring to all and his great advice may help so many of you out there!
Always remember, everything takes TIME and NEVER have fear.
If you are interested in Shane Kastl's clothing you can go to: https://www.shanekastl.com/
Instagram: @shane_kastl

Tuesday Aug 18, 2020
010 - Corporate America THEN & NOW with Jeff Zivi
Tuesday Aug 18, 2020
Tuesday Aug 18, 2020
I'm excited to introduce to everyone, a great friend of mine who is visiting our studios today, Jeff Zivi!
Jeff and I came in the Communication Industry as a couple of young "sales sharks" during a time when technology was evolving at the speed of light!!! Our goal today is to share with everyone both of our experiences in Corporate America and compare some of the differences between THEN and NOW. We pretty much have seen it all; the good, the bad, and the ugly! Definitely know it all . . . because TIMES HAVE CHANGED.
Back then in sales, if you had a couple of bad months, chances were everything was going to be okay but today more than ever, it is all about the numbers! Some of the compassion between company and employee and vice versa has definitely changed.
From pay phones to cell phones, it wasn't always easy trying to get in touch with the right person, but TODAY technology has made it so much easier to stay "in touch" and pretty much work from anywhere you may be!!
Hope you enjoy this episode as we chat a bit about our times in Corporate America and share some of the difference between THEN and NOW!
Finally, w would like to remind you the following . . . "Take life with a grain of salt, and enjoy the moments you actually have because corporate america styles will always keep changing just like technology. And most importantly, should you find yourself looking to land a new role or your first job in Corporate America . . . try not stress about it, because in the end . . . it all works out!!!"

Wednesday Aug 12, 2020
009 - What to Expect as a NEW Entrepreneur
Wednesday Aug 12, 2020
Wednesday Aug 12, 2020
You found your niche, you are in the game, but are you ready? In this episode, I share some important points to think about and to make sure you have in place as you prepare to dive into the world of Entrepreneurship!
First and foremost, be ready to always expect the "Expect the Unexpected", curve balls will always come flying your way.
Keep in mind this world of Entrepreneurship is a 24/7 gig.
You have nothing to LOSE and everything to GAIN.
Accounts, Lawyers, and Banks will become some of your best friends.
No such thing as failure, and mistakes will teach you valuable lesson which in turn will assist you in becoming SUCCESSFUL!
And never forget . . . "Stay humble, stay grounded, and never forget where you came from!"

Wednesday Aug 05, 2020
008 - Respecting TIME
Wednesday Aug 05, 2020
Wednesday Aug 05, 2020
Respecting Time
Do you know what it means to respect TIME?
Time is so critical, it is all about maximizing your day. We get ONE shot to make that ONE decision and can never get that time back to make that decision right or wrong. So, how we INVEST our time each day is SO important.
Remember, eliminating all the negativity around you is KEY to allow you to live better. You want to surround yourself with positive individuals! Why waste your valuable time around negativity, it only drains you and takes up more time you should be investing elsewhere.
My goal is to educate you and how to respect TIME. Once you learn the value of time, is the day you will start to respect it!
And never forget . . . "CHULLA VIDA" ! … You Only Live Once !