COVID19, an economic shut down and a global pandemic, forced a worldwide quarantine and caused the entire world to feel the impact. In the midst of this, I launched The 2020 Entrepreneur World ( T20E World ) podcast. A podcast dedicated to inspiring, motivating, and guiding Gen Z, Millennials and society with over 30 years of my Life Lessons, Business and Entrepreneurial experiences! There is no better time to ReVIEW, ReTHINK and ReINVENT a new YOU!

Tuesday Jan 19, 2021
027 - Building a Company right out of College with Julia Turner!
Tuesday Jan 19, 2021
Tuesday Jan 19, 2021
Happy Tuesday!
This week's episode is 'Building a Company right out of College' with special guest Julia Turner! This is our second episode we are putting out this month with our sponsored partner Pangea.app. Julia is a recent graduate from Duke University who is an entrepreneur and the founder of Nekktar. Julia shares with us a FASCINATING story about how she built her company right out of college in the Cannabis industry! She also shares with us more about Pangea.app and how she landed herself a job with the company after finding it through her University. As a young entrepreneur, Julia is full of wisdom, motivation, and this episode will truly leave you INSPIRED!
Don’t forget to check out Pangea.app and see the endless opportunities they have to offer!

Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
026 - Social Media Careers in 2021 with Nadir Pearson
Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
We partnered up with Pangea.app for an exciting series of podcast’s this month! Pangea.app is a startup founded by two recent graduates from Brown University. This app connects students and recent graduates across the country with freelance jobs that start part time which can eventually grow into a full time job! You can help companies with social media, websites, blogs, and make a real impact while making money at the same time! Don’t forget to check out Pangea.app and download it today for FREE!
Pangea.app launched an academy that is free and wants to give you a footprint and foundation in digital strategy and social media management. In this week’s episode of our first of three podcasts this month with Pangea.app is, ‘Social Media Careers in 2021’ with special guest Nadir Pearson. Nadir is a young entrepreneur in the cannabis industry and is also a digital strategist for Pangea.app. He shares with us all about how to land a career in social media. Nadir explains how you need to put yourself out there and show people your capabilities and step outside the crowd! And as he always says “Free for now not forever”.
We hope you enjoy and take advantage of these great opportunities Pangea.app has to offer!

Tuesday Jan 05, 2021
025 - Being RESILIENT
Tuesday Jan 05, 2021
Tuesday Jan 05, 2021
It is officially 2021!! There is no better way to kick off the new year than with a brand new episode on resiliency! On this week’s episode, I look back at how far we have come throughout 2020, and if there is one thing we have learned throughout the year of 2020, it is being RESILIENT. This was a tough year where we have been tested, had to learn how to be flexible, and make changes to our daily routines. It was a year of resilience.
2020 was a rollercoaster ride, but T20E World would not have been where it is today without the year we had. At the end of this episode we look back at some great advice from a few of the amazing people that were featured on this podcast. I hope you all have enjoyed the T20E World Podcast so far, because 2021 is going to be even better!

Tuesday Dec 29, 2020
024 - Finding What You Love to DO
Tuesday Dec 29, 2020
Tuesday Dec 29, 2020
How are you going into 2021? How are you feeling? Do you love your job/career path you have chosen? On this week’s episode, I am talking about ‘Finding what you Love to DO’
It is SO important to find what you love to do the most, because when it comes to your career … you must LOVE what you are passionate about and doing for a living. If you find what you love to do and love doing it, you will never feel like you are working!
Finding what you love to do is not always easy, it takes time. Along the way, you may face many obstacles or thrown into multiple different roles, but at the end of the day it will bring you one step closer to finding what you love to do the most! I hope the information and tips I share with you this week will help you throughout your future and a better start into the new year!

Tuesday Dec 22, 2020
023 - Q&A with young entrepreneur Isaiah Williams!
Tuesday Dec 22, 2020
Tuesday Dec 22, 2020
To end the year off, we have a very first Q&A episode with special guest Isaiah Williams!
I randomly selected a listener of our podcast to come and spend the day with me and experience a day in the life of an experienced entrepreneur (Taking all Covid-19 precautions). Throughout the day, I had Isaiah take note and think of a handful of questions he had for me and then at the end of the day we down in the studio and Isaiah had the chance to ask me anything he wanted to know and what he gained from this experience!!
In this episode, you will learn a little bit about Isaiah himself and stay tune to the very end to hear some of Isaiah's awesome beats he has created!
I look forward to having many episodes based off question and answers from our listeners so don't miss out on your chance of being selected!

Tuesday Dec 15, 2020
022 - The Art of LISTENING
Tuesday Dec 15, 2020
Tuesday Dec 15, 2020
On this week’s episode, I talk about ‘The Art of LISTENING’. In this episode you will learn the different styles of listening such as; appreciated, comprehensive, informational, empathetic, and critical listening.
To sharpen your ability of becoming a better listener, it will take a better understanding of the styles and just constant practice. At the end of the day TRUE listening is to learn! You will find that listening to ideas is critical and takes focus as well as learning to observe body language. As you begin to master these techniques you will quickly learn that the human connection is truly the ART of LISTENING.
I hope the information I share with you this week will help you throughout your future and learn how to become a great listener!

Tuesday Dec 08, 2020
021 - Principles of CONSISTENCY
Tuesday Dec 08, 2020
Tuesday Dec 08, 2020
In this episode, I talk with Wilson Kriegel about the Principles of CONSISTENCY. Wilson shares a fascinating story as he takes us through his life challenges and his comeback!
Wilson talks about how he dealt with depression at an early age, how he lost everything and came back to launch 7 start ups in the end. Throughout his story, you will quickly learn so much about the underlying principles of being consistent and resilient in all that you do!
During the episode, we discuss and share valuable advice not only on funding and access to capital, or why people INVEST in YOU. But dealing with life obstacles, being relentless, and committed to purpose! Understand, that if you are struggling or not at par with the competition today, look at it as an advantage! It's during these times when we develop certain skill sets to overcome and outperform! So, believe in what you seek to achieve and be ready to do the work because no one else will!!

Tuesday Oct 27, 2020
020 - Understanding the 7 stages of GRIEF with Judy Torres!
Tuesday Oct 27, 2020
Tuesday Oct 27, 2020
Actor, Singer, Radio Personality and today a Certified Master Life Coach, Judy Torres is here with us today to help you understand the Seven Stages of GRIEF. Judy may be known as the "Queen of Freestyle" but she is also an amazing speaker who brings her life experiences to you to help better understand and navigate through the process during those tough times!
In this episode, I talk with Judy as she takes you through all the stages of GRIEF (especially during the Pandemic), this educates us to better understand not only how to deal with it but to also understand that maybe others around us might be coping with one of the stages of GRIEF. Nothing better than to be that person who is aware, can assist, and comfort someone dealing with grief at any stage. This applies not only to LIFE but to the BUSINESS Rat Race we all deal with on a daily basis!!
Also, excited to share that at the end you will even get to hear Judy herself sing a tiny piece from one of my favorite songs, "No Reason to Cry"!
You never know where life will take you . . . and as Judy says “As long as you are trying, you are not going to fail!”
For further information on Judy Torres please visit Judy Torres Life Coach
Thursday Oct 15, 2020
019 - Landing your DREAM Job during COVID-19 with Beth Hendler-Grunt
Thursday Oct 15, 2020
Thursday Oct 15, 2020
Are you a student coming out of college or someone who had a hard time finding a job after graduating college?
On this week's episode I have my long time great friend, Beth Hendler-Grunt!
Beth launched the "Next Great Step", which is career coaching for college students. She helps students figure out what to do with their career, and help them differentiate themselves to stand out to employers! Beth is a phenomenal speaker and she shares with us some great advice on how to land a job, how to prepare for a virtual interview during COVID-19, and being aware of mental health all while balancing confidence!
Beth reminds all . . . "There are opportunities" and "People hire People"
Don't forget to check out . . .
Beth's YouTube Channel: Next Great Step
For further advice and contact information you can head over to her website: https://nextgreatstep.com/

Friday Oct 09, 2020
018 - The Entrepreneurial GRIND during COVID-19
Friday Oct 09, 2020
Friday Oct 09, 2020
On this weeks episode, I am here with a good friend/partner of mine, Chris Palmer!
Chris and I met and started working together during the peak of when COVID19 hit earlier this year. An absolutely insane period of time, full of stress and chaos in the international market space.
In this episode we share with you what we did, and how we GRINDED during the first few months of this World Pandemic.
You will hear crazy stories about our Grind and Hustle through COVID-19 that represent what Entrepreneurship is all about! From dealing with China all hours of the night, to dealing with so many scammers, we tell it all!
This is the REAL deal, you can't make this S*** Up!!